La Asociación Española contra el Dolor estuvo presente en la reunión SIP 2017 celebrada en Bruselas en Octubre 2017
En este debate de discusión -con representantes internacionales de entidades internacionales sobre el dolor- cada una de ellas expuso su punto de vista y sus problemas particulares de acuerdo a su país de origen.
Sobre las necesidades de cada país en materia del Dolor. Nuestra entidad reveló la falta de recursos y las dificultades de acceso a tratamientos que en muchas ocasiones sufren los pacientes afectados por Dolor en España.
Nuestra entidad comentó las cifras ya citadas por la Europdiputada Beatriz Becerra sobre suicidios en nuestro país –que superan en su número a las víctimas en accidentes de tráfico-
Asi pues, comentamos que en nuestra Asociación también hay personas que -por no haber podido acceder al tratamiento que le había prescrito su médico- por ejemplo, un neuroestimulador… hay personas que se encuentran al límite y comenten suicidios. Una situación que se puede evitar. El acceso a tratamientos es un verdadero problema en algunas Comunidades de nuestro país. Situaciones que deben dejar de ser un tabú. Y, darse a conocer.
Otros representantes de otros países como Holanda ó Alemania concretaron que elevarán una propuesta conjunta al Parlamento Europeo para conseguir transmitir que sufrir dolor crónico es en si mismo es una cruel enfermedad.
The Spanish Association of Patients with Pain was present at the 2017 SIP meeting held in Brussels in October 2017
In this debate with international representatives of international entities who address the issue of pain, their point of view and their particular problems according to their country of origin were exposed.
Obviously, for example, the problems experienced by patients in Holland and Switzerland who suffer from pain are totally different from those suffered by Spanish patients.
In Spain, we find that patients’ Pain Units are collapsed, some of them with benign pain. This means that they could be healed.
In other cases, Spanish patients suffering from pain find out, that after waiting for more than a year to be treated,they also have difficulties to access treatments.
Our entity commented on the figures already mentioned by the European Deputy Beatriz Becerra on suicides in our country – which surpass in number the victims in traffic accidents –
Therefore, we commented that in our Association there are also people who that because of not being able to access the treatment prescribed by their doctor, for example, a neurostimulator or others … there are people who are on the edge and commit- unfortunately – suicide. A situation which can be avoided. A situation which should stop being a taboo and become well know.
Access to treatments is a real problem in some communities of our country.
Regarding to Spain it is clear that Pain is NOT a priority based on the figures and waiting lists to access a Pain unit. Also, in research, pain is not a priority either.
Other representatives from other countries such as the Netherlands or Germany stated that they will raise a joint proposal to the European Parliament to ensure the fact that chronic pain is itself a cruel disease, is conveyed.
Also, issues to be addressed in future meetings with representatives of other countries to avoid such situations were agreed. All Patient Associations play a decisive role in revealing accurately and with epidemiological studies what is happening in this area in our country.
We will continue to report
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[…] estudio ha sido elaborado con las respuestas a encuestas del dolor tomando como referencia la Escala de Valoración del Dolor proporcionada por la revista Journal of General […]